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Stary 27-06-2024, 02:03
doaausef3li doaausef3li is offline
Zarejestrowany: Oct 2022
Posty: 47
Domyślnie What are the specifications of American halal stocks?

Halal stocks do not differ from other stocks listed on the financial market, which achieve growth and give shareholders good returns from investment, but they differ in their adherence to some controls that are compatible with the provisions of Islamic Sharia so that all money gained from them is legally halal. Among these special controls for halal stocks are: follows:
حكم الأسهم الأمريكية
The company to which the shares belong must be based in its activity on legitimate businesses and not in violation of Islamic law. The company’s scope of work should not be in explicit prohibitions such as trading in alcohol or gambling, and it should not engage in buying and selling debts, and the like.

The company’s financial transactions must not include lending and usury, as usury is an explicit prohibition in Islamic law. If the company is forced to deal with usurious loans, the value of the income resulting from them must not exceed 5% of the company’s total income. If it exceeds that percentage, the company’s shares become mixed and require purification.

It is not permissible to invest in the shares of any company whose debts exceed a third of its financial assets. If it exceeds that percentage, investing in it becomes forbidden, even if the company’s activity is permissible.
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